
Holiday Party 2010

The students enjoyed their holiday party, even with the early out the day before and the late start that morning. Snow can't stop our excitement! We enjoyed karaoke, food, and fun together. Hope everyone is now enjoying their winter break!! See you in 2011!!!



The lunch supervisors made winter ornaments for everyone! We were really excited for the thoughtful gifts.
Thank you--Joni, Ruth, Renee, and Barb!!


Unit 4 Test

I returned the unit 4 test to my math students today. I encourage you and your student to go over the test together. I told the students that we'll continue to work on division since it is a gold standard that they'll need to master this year. The steps that we follow are: divide, multiply, subtract, check, bring down, and then start over again. (The acronym they know is "Does McDonalds sell cheese burgers.") Ask your student why we use this acronym . . . then watch them go through the steps. It does work quite well! Thanks for your help in your student's learning.