
Fall Picnic

The fall picnic is tonight at 5:30. I hope to see you there!



Wow . . . I cannot believe that it is almost the end of September already! So much as taken place in the first few weeks of school. The students are doing an amazing job getting to know each other again and learning to work cooperatively with each other. I am so proud of how they come together during our morning meeting everyday to greet, play, share, listen and learn more about each other. This part of our morning follows the philosophy of Responsive Classroom, which promotes community building within the classroom and school.

We've been hard at work with our Everyday Math curriculum. Students have been studying Number Theories and discussing factors, divisibility rules, prime vs. composite numbers, prime factorization, square numbers and square roots. In each of my lessons, I try to teach problem solving and promote good thinking.

Reading class has been full of reading new stories, learning new spelling words, using proper sentence structure, finding new ways to expand our vocabulary, and informative discussions about what we have been reading. We will be using many strategies this year to improve our reading comprehension, such as visualization, questioning, prediction, main idea, inferring, and summarizing. It is very helpful for you to ask your student about their reading. As they finish their independent reading each night or in the car on the way to an activity try to take the time to ask them questions about the book they are reading. Some questions to use are: Who are the characters in your book? What problems are the characters facing? What are some of the solutions to the characters problems? Is there a lesson the author is trying to teach you? When students are given the opportunity to talk about what they are reading greater comprehension takes place!

I feel fortunate to be your child's teacher. I appreciate your support and concern for your child's learning. I notice each morning when you have signed your child's planner. Please feel free to leave any notes for me with any concerns or questions. I also ask you to subscribe to this blog or add it to your "favorites" list. My hope is to update this often to keep you informed of what is happening in your child's classroom.