
Internet Safety

I want you to be safe while exploring the Internet. Here are some tips and things to think about as you work and play online.

Basic Internet Safety
Review the five basic rules and ask students questions which require using the rules.
     Follow the rules your teachers and parents set.
     Never trade personal photographs online without your parents’ approval.
     Never give your address, phone number, school, or school address to strangers. (This means don’t post them online.)
     Never agree to meet someone in person that you have met online.
     Never respond to threats in email or online messages. Always share these and all your online activities with your parent or trusted adult.
     You meet a friendly, smart guy playing a game online. He wants you to meet him at the movie. You should ?
     Your mother says you cannot have a facebook page, but your friend has one and you really want one. You should?
     You get a pop-up window which says you can win a new iPad2 if you fill out your name, address, phone number, and age. You should???
     Someone sends you a message online that makes you feel a little weird. You should???
     You play an online game with friends and one of the other players says mean things about your best friend. You should???
     Your older cousin asks if she can post a picture of you with a note about it on Facebook. What will you say?

Protecting Personal Information & Social Networking
Nickelodeon, Common Sense Media, and other reputable sources have put together a website called The Big Help. View and discuss the 10 Rules of the Road and then view the video located in the top right of the page. Discuss.

Ivy's Search Engine Resources
Click on the link below and explore the many "kid safe search engine"s at the site. Discuss why using one of these search engines is better than using a regular search engine.

WEBONAUTS Game- Have students participate in centers on computers or work through the game as a class. You do not need to complete it all in one day. Just make sure to save your game so you can go right back to where you were.


Time For Kids


Today I want you to look through the Time for Kids website. (Click the link above)

Write 5 new things you learned while reading. Think about our "transforming" lessons. (Remember reading The Great Kapok Tree?) Did you change your mind on any of the ideas while reading?


Story Problems (Multiplication)

Try this website to practice your story problem skills. http://www.ixl.com/math/grade-5/multiply-by-1-digit-numbers-word-problems

Multi-Digit Multiplication

In Math Unit 2, we've been practicing our mulitiplication of multi-digit numbers. Try this website today for continued practice. http://www.ixl.com/math/grade-5/multiply-a-2-digit-number-by-a-larger-number


Election 2012

Visit http://www.timeforkids.com/ and click on Election 2012 to research the canidates running for President of the United States.